Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama calls jet incident a 'serious reminder' -- latimes.com

At least this inside op - let known terrorist board plane - was a good one - no fatalities. Cia, please do only good, no-kill inside operations, if you need pretexts to continue occupation wars - these wars are the real cause of terrorism.

War is a state sponsored terrorism. 9/11 controlled demolition inside operation.

http://krunchd.com/inside - http://twitter.com/WorldNewsRecord

Obama calls jet incident a 'serious reminder' -- latimes.com

Friday, December 25, 2009

In San Francisco, hunger experienced by 25% children and 20% adults.

This in a country that spends $ 1 trillion a year for military and wars, and where 20-40% people do not have adequate medical care, from which 40 000 a year are dying. Call your Congressperson and tell them you want a military waste budget cut in half, now.

San Francisco Food Bank

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Democrats To Revise Presidential Primary Rules

We desperately need runoff federal presidential elections - so that people can vote "conscience", candidates they really want, and in the second runoff round, if nobody gets over 50%, then they will vote for those "electable", those less objectionable.

so that the third party - a real democracy, can be elected and take a hold.

multiparty democracy needs to be restored. http://worldnewsrecord.wordpress.com
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Critters Up Close (PHOTOS)

nice pix. ..and we are nearing an era, nanotechnology, bioengineering and all, that we will be able to completely "govern", control, steer, use these insects and /small/ animals - through controlling their brains.

through remote cellphone signals sent to inserted sensors in their brains.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 04, 2009

Cost of Afghan war explodes with new strategy - USATODAY.com

Cost of Afghan war explodes by $20 bill with new strategy - total $300 bill. including 2010.

Cost of Iraq war - $748. including 2010.

Cost of Afghan 30 000 soldiers surge - $30 billion. crazy.


Cost of Afghan war explodes with new strategy - USATODAY.com

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Compelling full evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars, carried to Earth in Martian meteorite. Life existed on surface of Mars, or in subsurface water pools, early in the planet's history.

Martian meteorite possibly brought life to Earth?

Compelling new data that chemical and fossil evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars was carried to Earth in a Martian meteorite is being elevated to a higher plane by the same NASA team which made the initial discovery 13 years ago.

Now, 13 years after the Martian meteorite Allen Hills ALH 84001 life story emerged, the science team finally feels vindicated.....

Their data shows the meteorite is no smoking gun but a full of evidence that supports the existence of life on the surface of Mars, or in subsurface water pools, early in the planet's history.

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Martian meteorite surrenders new secrets of possible life

Saturday, November 21, 2009

U.S. Fears Iraqis Will Not Keep Up Rebuilt Projects - NYTimes.com

Genocide of a nation, Iraq. US gov spent $53 billion for relief and reconstruction in Iraq, fears Iraqis not able to run built projects remain.

Many Iraqis have criticized the rebuilding effort as wasteful. more than 40 percent of Iraqis still lack access to clean water, according to the Iraqi gov.

90% of Iraq’s 180 hospitals do not have basic medical and surgical supplies.

Iraqis also have disproportionately high rates of infant mortality, cerebral palsy and cancer.

U.S. Fears Iraqis Will Not Keep Up Rebuilt Projects - NYTimes.com

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

'America failed to conquer Middle East, and should leave Afghanistan. 'America is rotting away, and Obama will not save it.' 'We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Gore Vidal, who's grandfather bought Oklahoma into the USA. He regrets witching support from Hillary Clinton to Obama.. 'Coup'd etat in 2000, when Supreme Court gave election to Republicans. my comment: Is Mr. Vidal aware that 9/11 is a controlled demolition, inside job?

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

Monday, September 21, 2009

Occupation colonization of Afghanistan doesn't go well. U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan, or `war will likely fail`

US has 62 000 soldiers in Af, Nato allies 35 000.
Pentagon plans to add 6 000 by the end 09, but US Army wants thousands more.

Failure to gain initiative, reverse resistance fighters momentum in next 1 year may mean it may no longer be possible.

Is Iraq, and Afghanistan, another Vietnam?..

In Vietnam War, started with false flag attack operation of Gulf of Tonkin, 66 000 American soldiers died, 600 000 Vietnamese, and 3.5 million altogether, civilians included. Chemical weapons were used, 77 million liters of Agent Orange.

In Iraq occupation, pretexted with 9/11 WTC controlled demolition attacks, so far 4100 US soldiers died, 1-3 mill civilians, country devastated in complete ruins.

U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan - CNN.com

U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan - CNN.com

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Germany boosts terrorism alert level. Afghan freedom fighters ready to use terror to end occupation of their country.

Afghan armed resistance: "If the September 27, 09 German elections vote into power parties that do not pledge to pull German troops from Afghanistan, there will be a "rude awakening." ..threat of terror attacks in Germany? ... Western campaign of violent occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan brought the awakening of terror threats.

"If the German people vote for peace, then the Mujahedeen will choose peace with Germany as well", latest message of a speaker said. ..... with the withdrawal of the last German soldier from Afghanistan, the last Mujahed will also leave Germany. Al Qaeda gives you their word."

Germany boosts terrorism alert level - CNN.com

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

US power is fading? Results of Bush Republican industries, jobs exporting, of market corruption, of colonial wars of aggression.

'A weakened United States could start retreating from the world stage without help from its allies abroad'.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan exposed limits to military strength, near-collapse of financial markets sapped the economic base.

"Clearly the U.S. share of 'global power,' however measured, is in decline... rise in the relative power of China, India, Russia and the European Union has made it harder for the U.S. to exercise its influence.

The report also claimed that the U.S. had lost traction in its efforts to contain Iran's nuclear program and bring peace to the Middle East. ..

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

No we can't? UK think tank says US power is fading - Yahoo! News

Saturday, September 12, 2009

DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium, Mercury and Diabetes.

Adult obesity rates in Britain have quadrupled in 25 years. Forget Cancer, forget AIDS, Diabetes is fast becoming the king of all chronic disease which is decimating the human race. The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that 33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that 33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050. ......

connection between depleted uranium (DU) and diabetes ...........

Depleted (DU) uranium, used in wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter, is very dangerous when taken internally

DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium, Mercury and Diabetes:

Friday, September 11, 2009

The whole world outside US and many of us inside US immediately assumed the 9/11 Inside Job was perpetrated by US capitalist war class.

To promote war and fascism and colonial wars of aggression so as to maximize profits of the ruling capitalist war class.

9/11 Inside Job 8 year anniversary : Indybay

Saturday, September 05, 2009

how Bush, Republicans were poisoning America. Herbicide atrazine.

"As the Investigative Fund revealed last week, the herbicide atrazine has been found at levels above the federal safety limit in drinking water in at least four states.

The chemical has been studied for its potential link to breast cancer, prostate cancer, and birth defects, and the EPA considers it to be a potential endocrine disruptor. It is banned in the European Union."

Wiles said that any attempt to restrict atrazine use would likely be blocked by the House Agriculture Committee, who tend to favor the "pro-pesticide farm lobby and pesticide makers." The committee is chaired by Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two. Eastern Europe drawn apart? The history.


Russian media has aired a string of accusations against Poland, claiming that Warsaw intended to collaborate with Hitler in an invasion of the Soviet Union, and that Jozef Beck, Poland's foreign minister in 1939, was a German agent.
Moscow broadcasters have also claimed that there was a "German hand" in the 1940 Katyn massacre of thousands of Polish PoWs, an atrocity generally held to have been the exclusive work of Stalin's secret police.

On the morning, 4:45 am, of September 1, 1939, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein ushered in WWII when it opened fire on the 180-strong Polish contingent stationed on Westerplatte

contentious Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, signed between Stalin and Hitler in August 1939. A pact of mutual non-aggression that lasted until 1941, it allowed Russia to invade and annexe Eastern Poland.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's president, also labelled attempts in the Baltic states, which were also invaded under the pact's terms, to equate Hitler with Stalin as a "cynical lie".

An open letter yesterday from Mr Putin, in which he appeared to strike a more conciliatory note.

"Our duty is to remove the burden of distrust and prejudice left from the past in Polish-Russian relations," wrote Mr Putin, who went on to describe the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as "immoral", and also thanked Poland "from the bottom of my heart" for the 600,000 Poles who fought on the Eastern Front under Red Army command.

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two - Telegraph

Saturday, August 22, 2009

ALL Fish In Every 291 Tested US Stream Have Mercury In Them. Widespread mercury pollution. The main source is emissions from coal-fired power plants

From 1998 to 2005, scientists collected and tested more than a thousand fish from 291 streams nationwide. While all fish had traces of mercury contamination, only about a quarter had levels exceeding what the Environmental Protection Agency says is safe for people eating average amounts of fish.

Mercury can damage the nervous system and cause learning disabilities in developing fetuses and young children.

The main source of mercury to most of the streams tested, according to the researchers, is emissions from coal-fired power plants.

The mercury released from smokestacks rains down into waterways, where natural processes convert it into methylmercury -- a form that allows the toxin to wind its way up the food chain into fish.

At about 59 of the streams, mostly in the West, mining could be contributing to the mercury levels, the researchers said.

Earlier this year, the Obama administration said it would begin crafting a new regulations to control mercury emissions from power plants after a federal appeals court threw out plans drafted by the Bush administration and favored by industry.

The Bush rule would have allowed power plants to buy and sell pollution credits, instead of requiring each plant to install equipment to reduce mercury pollution.

ALL Fish In Every Tested US Stream Have Mercury In Them, New Study Reveals

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tatra je třetí nejstarší automobilkou světa. Založil Ignác Šustala (Schustala), v roce 1850 zahájil v Kopřivnici výrobu bryček a kočárů.

První automobil nazvaný Präsident, byl i prvním osobním automobilem vyrobeným ve střední Evropě, opustil továrnu v březnu 1897.

O rok později začala produkce nákladních vozů, které dodnes tvoří hlavní výrobní program kopřivnické automobilky.

Tatra je bezpochyby jednou z neslavnějších průmyslových značek v Česku.

Dnes je potreba obnovit a udrzovat slavnou tradici. Obnovit vyvoj, vyrobu a prodej osobnich, nakladnich, hybridnich, elektrickych a jinych modernich vozidel.

Vlastnit statem z 51%, zajistit uspech, budoucnost a ziskovost.
To same plati pro ostatni podniky - LIAZ, PRAGA, JAWA, SKODA, LIBERTA.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Přiskřípnutá dada postpoesie.

Přiskřípnutá dada postpoesie.

PF 2009. Vše nejlepší do Nového Roku.

K roku vykročte tomuto v nejlepším to kroku.
Vykročte v tom kroku nejlepším,
vypořádejte se se vším, s tím a i s tamtím a s oním.

Rychlé, dobře, a bodře.
Nechť nebe svítí nám modře!
Nechť Slunce jasně a hlasitě svítí nám!
Když rozumíš ženám, porozumíš i květinám.

Sláva pozemská nemrtvým to býti,
sláva světská živá živým být.
Pojďme té krásy uloupit!

Užívejme krásy divu světa denně,
teď běžte, žijte, tvořte neprodleně!

Než Slunce navždy ve tmu vstoupí.
Než zboří se sloupy,
a mosty.
Než ztratí se svět nás prostý.

Než chytrý zas bude hloupý.
Než konec začátek všech omylu ho zprostí.

Odložte liché pochybnosti.
Zbavte se malých malichernosti.
A bavte se ve velké ve svornosti.
A v té chvíli nemělké okamih stal se mi do věčnosti.

A zdál se mi zdálky sen,
že utichají války,
že utíkají svině,
ty vždycky byly líné,
jak hospodaříš na poli svém?

Svině války plynně války plány plivou,
jsou bez morálky,
chasou nakažlivou.
nikdy to nebylo jiné,
a nepošlap nerozsypej mládí svého korálky.

Než odložte sváry, nešvary, zlobu,
alespoň na chvíli
jen na chvíli, jen po dobu
než štěstí Tvou nalezlo podobu.

Pak ve věčnosti spolu
teč vodo živá dolem, a nahoru,
teď odložme rány svých bolu.
Vždyť vždy chtěli jsme býti spolu.

Petr Buben , prosince 2008


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