Situace je černějš�než odhady, st�t neprůhledně rozdělil 276 miliard -
a to pouze pro obdobi 2006- 2010
Situace je černější než odhady, stát, vlastne vladnouci kliky ods cssd neprůhledně rozdělily - ROZKRADLY - 276 miliard +-
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wild capitalism will make you obese - stress, poverty, struggle to survive. Americans and Britons are much more likely to be obese than Norwegians and
Obesity linked to "economic insecurity"
... Norwegians and Swedes. .. i knew this before, though.
Poverty and stress of wild, violent society plays a significant role in determining the levels of obesity.
... Norwegians and Swedes. .. i knew this before, though.
Poverty and stress of wild, violent society plays a significant role in determining the levels of obesity.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Photo Effects Photo Editing with 1 Click - free webtools. gifs at
Photo Effects Photo Editing with 1 Click - free webtools. gifs at
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
PODPORUJEME spravedlivy zapas policie, hasicu, lekaru s rozvratnickou zlodejskou pravici vladou tunelaru. Takhle se dela zlodejsky feudalismus, niko
PODPORUJEME spravedlivy zapas policie, hasicu, lekaru s rozvratnickou zlodejskou pravici vladou tunelaru.
Takhle se dela zlodejsky feudalismus, nikoliv pravni kapitalismus s lidskou tvari.
14 miliard prebytku - zisku zdravotnich pojistoven. Je treba budto snizit pojistne, anebo ucinit z pojistoven vpodstate neziskove organizace, a penize dat na platy doktorum a na ostatni zdravotni peci.
Generalni stavku? Prosim, mate ji mit. .... A budou se skrtat miliardove tunely, rozkradani a ods.
Petr Buben
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Aerodynamic long tail improves fuel efficiency 15 percent

Aerodynamic long tail improves fuel efficiency 15 % at 90 kmh - 56 mph. Proven by test. A chance for aftermarket.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The 'false' pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on... - DailyMail - FriendFeed
The 'false' pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief.
The swine flu outbreak was a 'false pandemic' driven by drug companies that stood to make billions of pounds from a worldwide scare, a leading health expert has claimed..
Bonanza' for drug firms as NHS admits it is giving away £1bn of swine flu vaccine ..
Millions of pounds of NHS money was wasted and billions wiped off the economy because thousands of people were misdiagnosed by the National Pandemic Flu Service....
Swine flu pandemic is 'less lethal' than first feared - (via
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Some Democrats want to rein in the filibuster. Lets definitely do it.
Some Democrats want to rein in the filibuster. It is the Senate's own rules, not the Constitution, that set 60 votes as the benchmark for cutting off debate.
The demands of hitting that 60-vote bar have dashed liberal hopes of including in the healthcare bill a new government insurance option to compete with private companies. Earlier last year, filibuster threats from Republicans and conservative Democrats in effect forced Obama to accept a smaller economic stimulus bill than many Democrats wanted
Frustration has intensified since Senate Republicans' no-holds-barred effort to block the healthcare bill
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